
Creating a pond

I have a small pond and a stream running under a bridge so I have created the water features before I place the bridge in place.

I made a small retaining wall out of some small clay bricks when I was making the foundation landscape.

I painted the water area black and the vegetated areas green to provide a solid undercoat color...

Once I had planted the background vegetation, I made the underside of the pond a bit greener, with some brown edges...

The overflow from the pond runs under the road and is discharged upstream of the bridge...

For water, I poured in some EnviroTex Lite polymer .
It does creep into surrounding areas by capillary action, hopefully I will be able to cover that over with vegetation.
Along the stream under the bridge, I notice that the water reflects the blue ceiling 'sky'!

Update: I have now added some swans and re-grassed the shoreline:

The swans ignore the ICE 3 as it rushes past...